import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JButton; /*class test extends JFrame { public static void main(String args[]) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { test framePage1 = new test(); framePage1.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); framePage1.setTitle("Timetable Scheduling Software: Administrator Screen"); framePage1.setVisible(true); } }); } test() { getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(new ParticularTimetable(this, "ROOM", "F101"))); pack(); } void setFooterText(String str) { textField.setText(str); } JTextField textField = new JTextField(""); }*/ class ParticularTimetable extends JPanel { ParticularTimetable() { //initialising panelGrid panelGrid = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5, 10)); day = new String[]{"MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"}; //adding contents to this. this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); for (int r = 0; r < 6; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < 11; c++) { if (r == 0) {//row 0 if (c == 0)//row 0 & col 0 { JLabel label = new JLabel(""); //label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); this.add(label, new GBC(0, 0).setFill(GridBagConstraints.BOTH).setAnchor(GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST)); } else //row 0 & col not 0 { JLabel label = new JLabel("Period " + Integer.toString(c)); //label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); this.add(label, new GBC(0, c).setAnchor(GridBagConstraints.CENTER).setIpad(75, 0).setInsets(2, 10, 2, 0)); } } else {//row 1 2 3 4 5 if (c == 0)//row 1 2 3 4 5 & c 0 { JLabel label = new JLabel(day[r - 1]); //label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); //label.setBounds(r*10, 0, new SavedInnerBox().getPanel().getWidth(), new SavedInnerBox().getPanel().getHeight()); //label.setBounds(new SavedInnerBox().getPanel().getBounds()); //label.setSize(new SavedInnerBox().getPanel().getWidth(), new SavedInnerBox().getPanel().getHeight()); this.add(label, new GBC(4 * (r - 1) + 1, 0, 1, 4).setFill(GridBagConstraints.BOTH).setAnchor(GridBagConstraints.WEST).setInsets(40, 2, 50, 2)); } else if (c == 1 && r == 1)//row 1 and c=1 { this.add(panelGrid, new GBC(1, 1, 10, 20).setFill(GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER)); } else { continue; } } }//for c }//for r } ParticularTimetable(Frame1Timetable frame, String tableName, String value) { this(); this.frame = frame; String[] tableNames = new String[3]; int count = 0; tableNames[count] = "COURSE"; for (String str : new String[]{"BATCH", "ROOM", "TEACHER"}) { if (!tableName.equals(str)) { count++; //System.out.println(str + " added to tableNames[" + count + "]"); tableNames[count] = str; } } for (int r = 1; r <= 5; r++) { for (int c = 1; c <= 10; c++) { ResultSet rSet = this.isEntrySaved(r, c, tableName, value, tableNames); try { if (rSet == null || !( { addNotSavedInnerBox(r, c, tableName, value, tableNames); } else { addSavedInnerBox(r, c, rSet, tableName, value, tableNames); } } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("myERROR: " + ex.toString()); } } } System.out.println(value + " choosed from " + tableName); this.validate(); }//constructor public void addNotSavedInnerBox(int d, int p, String tableName, String idName, String[] tableNames) {//give options to save NotSavedInnerBox box = new NotSavedInnerBox(); (box.btn4).addActionListener(addListener(box, d, p, tableName, idName, tableNames)); String[] available = db.getDistinctListFromDataBase(tableNames[0], "id");//why total list is used here??? available[0] = "-Select " + tableNames[0] + "-"; for (String str : available) { (box.CBox1).addItem(str); } available = findAvailList(d, p, tableNames[1]); for (String str : available) { (box.CBox2).addItem(str); } available = findAvailList(d, p, tableNames[2]); for (String str : available) { (box.CBox3).addItem(str); } panelGrid.add(box.getPanel()); //(box.getPanel()).validate(); } public void addSavedInnerBox(int d, int p, ResultSet rSet, String tableName, String idName, String[] tableNames) { SavedInnerBox box = new SavedInnerBox(); (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn4).addActionListener(addListener(((SavedInnerBox) (box)), d, p, tableName, idName, tableNames)); try { (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn1).setText(rSet.getString(1)); (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn2).setText(rSet.getString(2)); (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn3).setText(rSet.getString(3)); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("myERROR line 200" + se.toString()); } panelGrid.add(box.getPanel()); //(box.getPanel()).validate(); } public void addNotSavedInnerBox(SavedInnerBox oldBox, int d, int p, String tableName, String idName, String[] tableNames) {//give options to save NotSavedInnerBox box = new NotSavedInnerBox(oldBox); (((NotSavedInnerBox) (box)).btn4).addActionListener(addListener(((NotSavedInnerBox) (box)), d, p, tableName, idName, tableNames)); String[] available = db.getDistinctListFromDataBase(tableNames[0], "id"); available[0] = "-Select " + tableNames[0] + "-"; for (String str : available) { (((NotSavedInnerBox) (box)).CBox1).addItem(str); } available = findAvailList(d, p, tableNames[1]); for (String str : available) { (((NotSavedInnerBox) (box)).CBox2).addItem(str); } available = findAvailList(d, p, tableNames[2]); for (String str : available) { (((NotSavedInnerBox) (box)).CBox3).addItem(str); } //(box.getPanel()).validate(); } public void addSavedInnerBox(NotSavedInnerBox oldBox, int d, int p, ResultSet rSet, String tableName, String idName, String[] tableNames) { SavedInnerBox box = new SavedInnerBox(oldBox); (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn4).addActionListener(addListener(((SavedInnerBox) (box)), d, p, tableName, idName, tableNames)); try { (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn1).setText(rSet.getString(1)); (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn2).setText(rSet.getString(2)); (((SavedInnerBox) (box)).btn3).setText(rSet.getString(3)); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("myERROR line 200" + se.toString()); } //(box.getPanel()).validate(); } public ActionListener addListener(final SavedInnerBox box, final int d, final int p, final String tableName, final String idName, final String[] tableNames) { //when edit button is pressed in innerBox => deletes the entry and replaces SavedInnerBox with NotSavedInnerBox return (new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String qry = "delete from tt where " + "(day = " + d + ") and (period = " + p + ") and (" + tableName.charAt(0) + "id = '" + idName + "')"; try { System.out.println("Query(delete) for edit btn: " + qry); (db.stmt).executeUpdate(qry); frame.setFooterText("Entry removed, you can now enter the new values.."); } catch (SQLException err) { System.out.println("Edit button " + err.toString()); frame.setFooterText("Try again..error in edit btn or deletion"); } addNotSavedInnerBox(box, d, p, tableName, idName, tableNames); //.validate();//repaint(); it will be done by above called function } }); } public ActionListener addListener(final NotSavedInnerBox box, final int d, final int p, final String tableName, final String idName, final String[] tableNames) {//when save button is pressed in innerBox return (new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (((box.CBox1).getSelectedIndex() != 0) && ((box.CBox2).getSelectedIndex() != 0) && ((box.CBox3).getSelectedIndex() != 0)) { String qry = "insert into tt(day, period, " + (tableName.charAt(0)) + "id, " + (tableNames[0].charAt(0)) + "id, " + (tableNames[1].charAt(0)) + "id, " + (tableNames[2].charAt(0)) + "id) " + "values(" + d + ", " + p + ", '" + idName + "', '" + ((box.CBox1).getSelectedItem()) + "', '" + ((box.CBox2).getSelectedItem()) + "', '" + ((box.CBox3).getSelectedItem()) + "')"; try { System.out.println("Query(insert) for save btn: " + qry); (db.stmt).executeUpdate(qry); frame.setFooterText("Entry successfully inserted.."); } catch (SQLException err) { System.out.println("Query(insert) for save btn: " + err.toString()); frame.setFooterText("Try Again.. Error in Save button or insert query"); } //ResultSet rSet = this.isEntrySaved(d, p, tableName, idName, tableNames); qry = "select " + tableNames[0].charAt(0) + "id, " + (tableNames[1].charAt(0)) + "id, " + (tableNames[2].charAt(0)) + "id from tt" + " where (" + tableName.charAt(0) + "id = " + "'" + idName + "') and " + "(day = " + d + ") and " + "(period = " + p + ")"; ResultSet rset = null; try { rset = (db.stmt).executeQuery(qry); /*//c.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("b.myError in isEntrySaved()" + e.toString()); } try {*/ if ( { addSavedInnerBox(box, d, p, rset, tableName, idName, tableNames); } else { System.out.println("error : line254, equal to false!!"); } } catch (SQLException excp) { System.out.println("myERROR : line 273" + excp.toString()); } } else { frame.setFooterText("Select options from all the three lists."); } } }); } public ResultSet isEntrySaved(int d, int p, String tableName, String idName, String[] tableNames) {// throws SQLException String qry = "select " + tableNames[0].charAt(0) + "id, " + tableNames[1].charAt(0) + "id, " + tableNames[2].charAt(0) + "id from tt" + " where (" + tableName.charAt(0) + "id = " + "'" + idName + "') and " + "(day = " + d + ") and " + "(period = " + p + ")"; //System.out.println("Query in isEntrySaved() : "+qry); ResultSet rset = null; try { rset = (db.stmt).executeQuery(qry); //c.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("b.myError in isEntrySaved()" + e.toString()); } return (rset); } public String[] findAvailList(int d, int p, String tableName) { //new myFrame(); String[] fullList = db.getDistinctListFromDataBase(tableName, "id"); int fullNo = fullList.length; String[] busyList = this.initialOptions(d, p, "tt", tableName.charAt(0) + "id"); int busyNo = busyList.length; String[] availList; int availNo = fullNo - busyNo + 1; if (availNo <= 1) { availList = null; } else { availList = new String[availNo]; int count = 0; availList[0] = "-Select " + tableName + "-"; boolean flag = true;//true means f is available for (String f : fullList) { flag = true; for (String b : busyList) { if (b.equals(f)) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag == true) { count++; if (count >= availNo) { System.out.println(" 380: overflow in availList of " + tableName); } availList[count] = f; } } } return (availList); } public String[] initialOptions(int d, int p, String tname, String cname) {//returns first item as -Select- int noOfRows = 0; String[] CBoxOptions = null; String qry = new String("select count(*) from " + tname + " where (day = " + d + ") and (period = " + p + ")"); //System.out.println(" line 391 : "+qry); ResultSet rset; try { rset = (db.stmt).executeQuery(qry); while ( { noOfRows = rset.getInt(1); } CBoxOptions = new String[noOfRows + 1]; qry = new String("select " + cname + " from " + tname + " where (day = " + d + ") and (period = " + p + ")"); //System.out.println(" line 402 : "+qry+"\nNo of rows = "+noOfRows+"\n"); rset = (db.stmt).executeQuery(qry); CBoxOptions[0] = "--SELECT--";//"-Select "+tname+"-";// for (int count = 1;; count++) { CBoxOptions[count] = rset.getString(1); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("2.)Error in InitialOptions " + e.toString()); } return (CBoxOptions); } DatabaseOperations db = new DatabaseOperations(); Frame1Timetable frame; JPanel panelGrid; String[] day; int MON = 0, TUE = 1, WED = 2, THU = 3, FRI = 4; } abstract class InnerBox { InnerBox() { myPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1)); //myPanel.setBorder(new SoftBevelBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED)); myPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder()); } public JPanel getPanel() { return (this.myPanel); } protected JPanel myPanel = new JPanel(); } class SavedInnerBox extends InnerBox { SavedInnerBox() { myPanel.add(btn1); myPanel.add(btn2); myPanel.add(btn3); myPanel.add(btn4); } SavedInnerBox(NotSavedInnerBox box) { this.myPanel = box.getPanel(); (myPanel).removeAll(); myPanel.add(btn1); myPanel.add(btn2); myPanel.add(btn3); myPanel.add(btn4); myPanel.validate(); } public JLabel btn1 = new JLabel(); public JLabel btn2 = new JLabel(); public JLabel btn3 = new JLabel(); public JButton btn4 = new JButton("Edit"); } class NotSavedInnerBox extends InnerBox { NotSavedInnerBox() { myPanel.add(CBox1); myPanel.add(CBox2); myPanel.add(CBox3); myPanel.add(btn4); } NotSavedInnerBox(SavedInnerBox box) { this.myPanel = box.getPanel(); (myPanel).removeAll(); myPanel.add(CBox1); myPanel.add(CBox2); myPanel.add(CBox3); myPanel.add(btn4); myPanel.validate(); } public JComboBox CBox1 = new JComboBox(); public JComboBox CBox2 = new JComboBox(); public JComboBox CBox3 = new JComboBox(); public JButton btn4 = new JButton("Save"); }